May 19, 2011

Fosamax and Dead Jaw

Fosamax, the drug known to treat osteoporosis has been associated with several types of painful health conditions. People on Fosamax may have an increased risk of osteoporosis of the jaw. This condition keeps the patient from properly healing after minor traumas, surgery or tooth extractions, leading to loss of teeth, gum infections and jaw bone damage. Osteonecrosis or “jaw death,” is a rare condition linked to the use of certain osteoporosis medications. It is the death of the jaw bone due to the temporary or permanent lack of blood flow to the bones. This results in damage or the collapse of surrounding tissue and joints. This condition can also happen to any bone in the body, in multiple locations at the same time.

Although, osteonecrosis most commonly affects the ends of long bones, such as the femur or hip joint. The process of bone rebuilding differentiates with each individual. It depends on what part of the bone is affected, how severe it has become and how quickly a bone can repair itself. Unfortunately, osteonecrosis hinders the repair of bones and breaks down the bones faster than the body can repair them. This condition must not be left untreated. The individual would suffer collapsed bones, joint surface deconstruction causing severe pain and arthritis.

For prescriptions starting this year, Fosamax will include a new label updating the new information that has been uncovered about this drug. More patients will be aware of these side effects and take whatever precautions are necessary to avoid injury. Patients who experience pain in their jaw should seek medical attention immediately. For additional information, visit

Individuals harmed by Fosamax should seek legal help. The Long Island law firm of Rudolph F.X Migliore, P.C has the resources to handle Fosamax prescription drug cases. The Migliore firm has represented clients in a wide range of product liability cases in the last three decades and has worked with nationally recognized co-counsel to reach successful settlements for clients.

If you or a loved one has used the osteoporosis medication Fosamax and later suffered a femur (hip/thigh/jaw) fracture contact the Long Island, NY Law firm of Rudolph F.X. Migliore, P.C at (631) 543-3663 to arrange a free case evaluation. Visit:

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