May 24, 2011

Largest Asbestos Verdict in History reached in Mississippi

Asbestos is a devastating lung disease caused by asbestos exposure. Victims of asbestos exposure may experience asbestosis, a respiratory disease that leads to scar tissue forming in the lungs. The scar tissue prevents the lungs from freely exchanging gases, expanding and contracting properly. Asbestos exposure is a life threatening disease which can cause cancer and even death. Victims who were exposed to asbestos should seek medical attention immediately. If they have been diagnosed with this debilitating disease, victims must speak up and collect compensation for their pain and suffering.

Earlier this month, the Smith County Jury in Raleigh, North Carolina awarded a $322 Million dollar verdict to an asbestos victim, marking this case as the largest asbestos verdict in U.S. history. Forty eight year old Thomas Brown worked in the oil fields of Mississippi in the early 1980's. During that time, he inhaled asbestos dust while mixing and drilling mud. Unfortunately, he now needs to live on oxygen 24-hours a day to help him breathe. Thomas Brown was represented by a Dallas Law Firm, who fought for his compensation against CP Chem and Union Carbide who are held liable for his damage. Despite the dangers, CP Chem and Union Carbide continued to market their pure asbestos products. They were aware of their defective design and failed to provide adequate warning. The Jury found CP Chem and Union Carbide liable, placing innocent lives at risk for their greater profit.

These companies did not warn their employees of the dangers in their workplace. They are irresponsible and should be held accountable for their actions. In these cases, corporate misconduct can lead to the destruction of lives and families due to the devastating effects of asbestos. These companies are at fault for the damage and the pain the victims are suffering. The courts have recognized this, making it possible for victims, and the families of victims, to recover compensation for their suffering.

If your story is similar to Thomas Brown's, you have the right to seek medical and legal attention. Specifically, Naval Veterans, fire-fighters, shipyard workers, brake mechanics, steam fitters and construction workers may be at particular risk. People who have worked in these occupations may be vulnerable to contract asbestosis or another asbestos-related disease.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a type of Asbestos, Lung Cancer or Mesothelioma disease, call our office at (631) 543-3663, for a free case evaluation. Our attorneys are well-prepared and have handled over 1,200 asbestos cases and over 100lung cancer cases.

1 comment:

Duffy said...

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