May 10, 2011

Zimmer Durom Cup Defective Hip Replacements

Zimmer Holdings Inc, the designer of Zimmer Durum Hip Replacement Cup has announced a recall of their product. The Zimmer Durom Hip Replacement was designed to relieve patients suffering from non-inflammatory degenerative joint disease, which has now caused a series of complications and complaints from those patients. The cup is designed to bond securely to the patients hip socket. Unfortunately, in most patients the cup slipped out of place causing an immense amount of pain and suffering. Victims of the defective hip replacement endured several months to years with severe pain before undergoing a revisionary surgery to correct the displacement. The elderly, unaware of the problem were forced to undergo the stress and cost of a second surgery to alleviate their discomfort. These surgical procedures could have been avoided if the company investigated the problem sooner or conducted malfunction tests on their product.

In the spring of 2008, by order of the Food and Drug Administration, productions of the cups were eventually discontinued after an entire year passed being implanted in patients. Zimmer Holdings is taking responsibility for this problem, addressing the public's concerns regarding the defective hip replacement. Zimmer understands the pain and suffering their acetabular component caused in patients. Since their introduction in 2006, U.S. surgeons have completed successful surgeries while others have seen an increased rate in revisionary surgeries.

Hip replacement lawsuits are being filed against Zimmer Holdings, Inc nationwide. Zimmer Durom hip replacements are causing major complications and painful health conditions for patients who were implanted with this device. These side effects are not normal, as the hip replacement is meant to relieve pain and suffering, not worsen it. Contact a medical professional if you are experiencing such discomfort or pain.

Individuals harmed by the Zimmer Durom hip replacement surgery should seek legal help. The Long Island law firm of Rudolph F.X Migliore, P.C has the resources to handle product liability cases. The Migliore firm has represented clients in a wide range of product liability cases in the last three decades and has worked with nationally recognized co-counsel to reach successful settlements for clients. If you or a loved one has experienced hip pain, limited mobility or suffering caused by the Zimmer Durom hip replacement surgery, contact the Long Island, NY Law firm of Rudolph F.X. Migliore, P.C at (631) 543-3663 to arrange a free case evaluation.

1 comment:

Duffy said...

Thanks for sharing this information with us!
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